April 20, 2023
but I want you to know, brethren, that the things which have happened to me have actually turned out for the f u r t h e r a n c e of the gospel,
so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ;
and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident b y m y c h a i n s,
are much more b o l d to speak the Word without fear
/ philippians 1:12-14 /
it’s funny the way we live our lives, with our main focus being on ourselves throughout every moment of every day.
everything is done in how it relates and affects us.
you’re in the line for the check out at the grocery store? all about you and how you can get out of there as quickly as possible
you go to the doctor? all about you and how it takes away time from work or errands.. the office is running behind? oh geez don’t even get you started on that..
we don’t go into our day thinking about what other people need as they encounter us today
we don’t go into the checkout line with our focus on how the checkout person needs you to smile and listen as they tell you a story – even though they’re holding up your checkout process by 2 extra minutes
we don’t go into the doctors office – a place we wouldn’t have to be if our body would just work how it was meant to – and smile and be patient and full of grace because that’s what the front desk person needs as they are backed up and busy today, out a doc & their system is down..
we view pretty much everything as an inconvenience to us if it doesn’t contribute to making our life go smooth and comfortable
I don’t know why we think we are supposed to live a life without strife..
Ahh, yes, because we all have Eden in our hearts; deep down we know how God intended the world to be, we long for it, know how things are “supposed to be” but that’s not how it is until His second coming
so in the mean time we are here to live our lives for HIM
which means living our lives for others
it means trusting God in the journey He has for y o u and not comparing it to others or being upset when it’s not the way or timing in which you wanted things to go.
it’s faith to let Him guide you as you go, each step
trusting He knows what He’s doing and focusing our attention on those He brings us in contact with every single day – via email, the phone, or in person
because He’s bringing you certain people that need to bump into Him THROUGH you.
so whatever you’re upset about right now that you wish could be different… assess what’s in your power to change and do the work to change it.
the stuff that’s out of your control? leave it up to God to lead you step by step, making room to hear from Him on it throughout each day
focus on trusting Him to lead your life – because by doing so, by living for Him, I guarantee you it’s furthering the gospel
which is the whole reason we’re here on earth – to bring Him glory and point others back to Himtune my heart to sing Thy g r a c e
live with abandon.
my bundles
more to come here :)